
Because I'm living in a fast food nation

           I wish there is a simpler way to stay healthy, I wish everything can be taken for granted, but of course it won't be happening in the near future. If you have seen TV infomercials about losing weight without even trying or without even changing your diet you might be wondering about the truth behind these schemes. Yeah, I am on McDonalds Diet and I want to lose weight, now beat that.

           With our culture heavily dependent on fastfoods, have you wonder about their nutritional facts? Fast food companies today are required to post the calories on each piece on their menu, but have you ever wonder why there has to be an excess of something, like why should a quarter pounder be 740 calories and not 700 or 800? and a smoothie has to be 330 calories? Well, if you are keen about the amount of calories, sugar and sodium that you are eating, you should take note of this, because math wise if you are in a drive thru and you order both you would always "round down" This is because, each of them has below the "50" decimal so its going to be 700 plus 300 which is a thousand. Now if you add an iced coffee because you just feel good that you ordered a 1000 calorie menu, that's another 240 calories, and you still feel good because you just had a 1200 calorie lunch which is the normal calorie count required--you better think again because you are 110 calories over and you just overshoot your dietary intake of sugar and sodium by over 200% daily value in just one meal.

          This might be the reason why we circle around events of weight loss and weight gain, then struggle for right diet and exercise. of course its not easy, and there is no easy way around it. some argue that exercise might be bad for you. Last week, was flooded with blogs about exercise causing depression, and chocolates as comfort foods. What is happening with us?

             In MBA school the only business model which I can remember and understand well was of McDonalds, that is quite alarming right?  Yeah, the company is an excellent example of a successful model, its not even .01 percent as complicated as the LTCM model which I could not decipher. It is true  that McDonalds have grown to a billion dollar franchise, but what's alarming is the statistics behind it. Because for McDonalds to be at its current state all the people in the world should have spent  trillions of dollars. I know what you are thinking, that money could have paid our national debt. Last year alone the revenue reported by the company was over $24 billion from its 32,000 restaurants. Just imagine how many Big Macs that is? I am not condemning McDonalds, I don't love fastfoods but I don't hate them, I think they are  an ugly necessity.

Supersize me, the movie which came out in 2004 is an excellent example of what fast food companies can do for us. Just imagine how many calories each quarter pounder has, its like I'm paying top dollars for the extra calories and extra dollars to lose the weight. I wish McDonalds would invest in Weight Watchers or Golds Gym, but no! fast foods encourages poor nutrition for its own profit. Just look at our obesity rate, a little over 28 percent of the whole population is already obese. The direct medical cost to obesity and indirect economical loss is way over $100 billion and today 1 in 4 children is obese. Whose to blame? The parents? The fast food industry? The congress?

Last year the American Journal of medicine announced that a little bit of fat could actually save a person from a stroke.  So what's next? Raising the current BMI levels? does this mean I need to gain weight?

Maybe not yet, so to quit my haggling about fast foods here is my pitch, this year I will burn 150,000 calories with negotiable diet. quite impossible right? well that's just around 75 big macs if you do the math. So every time I go to work I won't eat a big mac, instead I will exercise, or if I should eat a big mac I must compensate by burning the equivalent calories in a given exercise session.

That means no pizza, pasta, pretzels or various other starchy foods that don't necessarily begin with "p." well Mc Donalds doesn't have a "p" on their menu, right?

As of today I logged around 85,000 calories. I have a BMI of 21 which is pretty decent, so please don't raise the BMI levels or I'll be an anorexic.
By the end of the year, I will hopefully reach my goal and then another one next year.

Boo! boring!
Please don't be a hater and an overweight.
But I have allergies, back and knee problems.
Now, I'm the bully.
Well, you made it yourself.
So, go out and exercise.

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